sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

Jason Mraz I'm Yours Lyrics

Why do people use the internet?

For me using the internet is very easy, because the people only has to write what need and find it with just one click.
However there are many bad things about of internet these days.
I decided to find out why the people prefer use the internet for many things in the daily life.
I asked 6 people, why they use the internet.
one person said he never use the internet for the homewoks, because is a entertaiment and is much time  wasted.
the other 2 said they often use them to send emails.
one person said me, he only use the internet for listen to music and see the videos.
so the internet is popular because they are convenient for many things and In the future will be updating and making things easier for all.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

In the class

The days in class are very interesting because the teacher is very nice and us teach many things.
my classmates are friendly.
all guys are friendly and funny.

hi!!! My name is Gaby

I'm Gabriela Freire, I live in the Los Chillos Valley and I study Graphic Desing.
I like painting and invent new things, also I like play with the colors.
I'm friendly and I like the cats, pass with my friends in my free time and listen to romantic music.